
John M. Browning’s Start Up

john browning 3

Meet John Browning – Passionate Gun Designer and Innovator

John Moses Browning is perhaps the most brilliant gun designer and gunsmith that has thus far graced gunsmithing. His long list of achievements individually are enough to land him on the top ten list of gun designers, but together they move him to the head of the list. That list includes guns such as the 1911 pistol, M1917 and M1919 machine gun and the M2HB, but those are just the superstars. He held over 150 patents and designed over 80 guns. His guns are in service today in military, police, and for people all around the world. John Browning is no doubt a legend in shooting circles. How did he get started?

Browning — the family history

John Browning’s gunsmithing education was not by accident. His father, Jon Browning was a frontiersman who made his living repairing guns in Tennessee. Then, as the family converted to the Mormon religion, they moved to Utah. It was here that John Browning honed his skills as a gunsmith. There is a story about how a ten-year-old John Browning created his first gun using broken flintlock barrel, wire, scraps of tin and some wood. The gun worked and though impressed, his father challenged John to do better, creating the gun that started it all. What John took from his father’s lesson was the idea that improvements mattered.

Inspiration from a muzzle blast

The automatic gun was not a new thought. By the time John Browning came on the scene, the French and Belgium gunsmiths had already created something that was close — the mitrailleuse. Even in the U.S. Army deployed Gatling guns during the Civil War. The difference with all of these guns was that they were not fully automatic. They had to be cranked. It was something that was very common that sparked John’s interest in creating a fully automatic gun. At a target shooting competition, the force of a muzzle blast caused him to think about how he could use that force to improve guns. The pathway to a fully automatic gun was born.

Success breeds success

The first of the Browning Guns was a single-shot rifle, which he designed and manufactured by hand. He and his brothers took over the family business and expanded their services. It was this single-shot rifle that enabled John Browning to begin seriously inventing guns. The rifle was well made and it attracted the attention of Winchester’s head man T. G. Bennett. Winchester bought the rights for John’s single-shot rifle. In his mind, John M. Browning had another design – one that he discussed with Bennett. Browning designed and patented that rifle, then presented it to Winchester who bought the rights for manufacture in what would become the Winchester Model 1886. It was a large-bore lever action repeating rifle and a gateway to a long relationship between Browning and Winchester. Within two years, Browning designed and Winchester bought the manufacturing rights to 11 different guns.

The automatic gun inventor

It took him a day to design a new gun that would use the gas from discharge to create the world’s first truly automatic gun. He and his brothers took John’s design from concept to reality in just a day. They tested, refined and perfected a machine gun that fired .45 caliber bullets at six times per second. Instead of going to Winchester, John M. Browning went to Colt. Colt was a manufacturer of military guns. After demonstrations for both Colt and later for the U.S. Navy, John Browning‘s Colt Model 1865 Automatic Machine Gun began production where it would earn distinction during the Spanish-American War.

The list of what John M. Browning and his Browning Guns accomplished is long and distinguished. He was not an engineer by degree, but he was a gunsmith with passion for his craft. It was that passion, mixed with the desire to do the best he could that propelled John Browning into the position of one the most brilliant gunsmiths the world has known.

Teaching Armed Self Defense To Your Family

Armed self-defense, such as defending your home from a burglar, is something we read about all of the time. There is much controversy about whether or not we should own guns. Armed self-defense, is not just about preparing for the worst, it is about preparing for best. By “the best” we mean possible outcomes. Those are family safety, gun safety, and personal safety. In this armed-self-defense blog, we look at how to go about teaching your family how to defend themselves using a firearm.

Children and guns

In the news, you read about children who shoot their siblings, or how a toddler shot his mom because she had a gun in her purse. Those are examples of poor gun safety and while tragic, they show us that gun safety is important for people of all ages, including our children.

Start with gun safety

Gun safety is a heritage that we pass from parent to child. A good place to start is by teaching them the proper names of the major gun parts. This is helpful when you actually start allowing them to hold a gun. Where to point the barrel while hunting is also a good lesson. How should you carry a gun when traveling in a vehicle, on foot, or by horse for long distances? How to load and discharge a firearm is a very important lesson. Review potential problems such as jamming and provide solutions about how to fix those issues. You should teach them how to clean and care for a gun that is not in use.

A local gunsmith may offer classes geared towards teaching children how to care for their guns. Teaching children to be comfortable around guns is important. Teaching them now to be gun-smart is necessary. Even for small kids, you can teach them fundamental safety lessons such as why eye and ear protection is needed. Teaching kids when they are young makes it easier for you when you get into more advanced lessons. A good tip is to make a list that you continue to reinforce with your children. Those can include rules adapted from Off the Grid News, such as:

  • Where to point the muzzle
  • Every gun is loaded even when you think it is not
  • Never load a gun unless you are about to shoot it
  • Think about consequences such as what is beyond your target, and the possibility of ricochet
  • Eye and ear protection is a must, even if you are not shooting the gun
  • How to move when carrying a gun
  • Keep the muzzle under control and clear at all times
  • Respect your gun, safety, and other people and their property

As kids get older, consider how to amend this list for shooting at a gun range. A good tip for teaching kids how to shoot is to use only single-fire guns. Once the focus on gun safety is a firmly ingrained habit, then you can focus on accuracy and self-defense.

Self defense situations and training

It is impossible to train to consciously shoot someone such as a home intruder, yet people do shoot and defend their homes. There is a moral barrier that most of us must cross to willingly shoot a gun at a person. Understanding when that is necessary – and there are plenty of times when it is necessary – and when it is not is something that requires a lot of preparation. A good gun owner values life. So how do you go from teaching children how to care for guns to how to defend a home against intruders?

The first step is to make them proficient with shooting and handling a gun. A person who can handle a gun is much safer to deal with in all types of situations. One of the first things that must be taught is that if necessary, it is okay to shoot an attacker. Children, especially, may hesitate if they feel they may get into trouble. By sitting down and talking about when deadly force may be needed helps eliminate hesitation. Another good tip is to discuss how to warn another person that you may shoot them. This helps prevent shooting siblings or other family members who are breaking into their own home.

Target practice is also recommended. Being able to hit a target from close range is important because in a home the field– or aim – is diminished. The more a person is familiar with shooting, the better. In closing, remember that fundamental skills save lives, even if you have to shoot an intruder. Knowing how to care for and respect a gun is a valuable lesson. It is part of our heritage too.


10 Things To Remember When Planning Your Dream Hunt

Preparing for the hunt in a forester cottage

10 Tips to Successfully Plan Your Dream Hunt

We all have them — lofty ambitions for the hunt of a lifetime. But do they need to remain only in your dreams? Absolutely not! Every year, hunters experience the thrill and adventure of taking down a trophy. A dream hunting expedition comes down to one thing – planning. In this article, we discuss ten things that turn an average hunt into the hunting excursion of a lifetime.

Successful hunting is all about planning. You can’t just hop in the truck, head for the woods and bag a trophy buck. That kind of hunting excursion is mostly about luck. Sure, luck plays a part in most hunting ventures, but how much luck impacts your adventure is somewhat controllable. A few of the thing things that we discuss includes equipment and supplies, using guides, and tips on how to plan a dream hunt. This is not a species-specific hunting article, so whether you want a trophy whitetail, elk, bear, or even big game like elephants or lions, the information in this article will be usable for you. Let’s begin with the first order of business — equipment.

  1. Hunting equipment — It all boils down to quality

Hunting equipment is a set of tools, and tools are supposed to stand up to the abuse. The quality of your equipment is a key component to the success of your hunt. A good example is your gun; it won’t do you much good if it jams. It won’t do you much good if the optics are not spot on and you cannot see your target. It won’t do you much good if it is not powerful enough to allow perfect-ranged shots. Invest in a quality rifle or shotgun.

For many of us, that may mean a customized rifle that is built to fit your body and your shooting style. If you are not ready for a customized gun, then take your existing guns to a gunsmith who has been to school and let them service your rifle or shotgun. If you are the DIY type of hunter, and many of us are, consider taking a gunsmithing class or enroll in a gunsmith course. Most of us were taught to care for guns by our dads, but you’d be surprised about how many little tricks you can pick up from a gunsmith about the care of firearms.

What other hunting supplies might you need for a trophy hunt? Treat all equipment as though it is your gun because many hunts are ruined by a $0.03 part that broke. Don’t let that hunter be you.

  1. Know your target

It is one thing to say you want to target a trophy elk, and it is quite another thing to be able to find one. This is where we downplay luck and up-play skill. Learn about the animal you hunt and get to know it intimately.

  • What do they eat?
  • What kind of habitat do they prefer?
  • What are their defenses?
  • How well do they hear?
  • Is their vision better than yours?
  • Is your rifle or shotgun going to do the job to overcome their defenses?

These are just a few of the questions that successful hunters answer when they chase trophy game, especially when chasing a predator. Know your prey like you know yourself.

  1. Safety is always first

Hunting accidents, self-inflicted gunshot wounds and the rest of that long list of miseries are all preventable if you take safety into consideration. There are freak accidents where a limb falls out of a tree and takes you down — an act of God.  Most hunting accidents do not involve God, but rather poor safety policies. Nobody wants to limp home because they shot themselves in the foot, but it happens. Even former Vice President Dick Cheney shot his hunting partner accidentally. Be safe about how you hunt, and how you care for your equipment.

  1. Expect changes

A good hunter is versatile and adaptable. The environment in which you hunt is not going to adapt to you; you will have to adapt to it. You are going into the wild, and the wild is “wild.” Expect conditions to change, especially the weather. Pack your bag for all of the unexpected events. That includes staying longer than planned, lighting, extreme weather, and physical issues such as fatigue, pain, and even allergies. There is a lot that changes in the bush, including one of the most impressive predator groups –  insects (ticks, mosquitos and chiggers).

  1. Use a hunting guide

Good hunting guides are worth their weight in gold. The benefit is that they know the territory and they know the game. They help you overcome the learning curve that you cannot overcome by time, reading or watching videos. What they know they learned from personal experience on the land you’ll be working. They also understand what types of hunting supplies you’ll need, the conditions you’ll face, and what the physical and mental requirements of your hunt will be. A good guide helps make your hunt successful.

  1. Practice patience

How many of the “ones that got away” got away because hunters were impatient? Patience, they say, is a virtue, and that has never been truer than when hunting. Practice being patient until you master that skill.

  1. Lose the ego

Hunting is not about you. Hunting trophy game is about building a relationship between yourself and your prey. Most anyone can walk up to an elephant and shoot it. We read about that all the time on social media. To find a monster bull elk or moose is quite a bit different. It is like a dance, and you cannot afford to step on your partner’s toes. Hunting is about skill. You can be prideful after you bag your target. To get to the point of squeezing the trigger occurs more often when we leave our ego in the truck. Be humble and patient and increase your chances for success.

  1. Evaluate your presence

Do you smell? Can your prey smell you? Are you wearing scents? Even those manly scents from underarm deodorant and toothpaste can alert prey long before you even see them. This is an exercise in evaluating how well your actions and presence stack up against the defenses of you prey. Sight, sound and smell are just some of the tools that trophy game use to stay alive. We are foreigners in their territory and therefore, we stand out like a sore thumb. Evaluating your presence in their territory allows you to compensate or adjust your actions to overcome their defenses. Big trophy bucks did not grow up to be big trophy bucks because they were dense. These are smart animals with keen senses. If you want to bag one, you have to match their presence in their territory.

  1. Be willing to learn

None of us knows everything, even if we are good at hunting. Think of things in grades — amateur, novice, sufficient, master, guide. Where are you in this lineup? Even the top tier of hunters have things to learn and skills they can improve. A common improvement is how to squeeze the trigger. Eliminating shooting errors is a big part of being successful as a hunter. To hunt the top tier of prey you need to be the best hunter that you can be, and that comes down to skill. Be willing to learn and willing to put in the time to improve.

  1. Learn the art of movement

Tracking game requires movement, and that means sound. Learn how to move slowly and how to make each movement with purpose. There are skills that you can learn that help you step softly or creep along the ground silently. Being able to move properly is a key component of hunting. It is not very likely that you will just walk through the woods and drop a trophy buck from 50 feet.

Hunters need to be flexible, able to bend, squat, and stand for long periods and then be able to move quickly, accurately and purposefully. If you’d like to evaluate how you move, consider taking a Tai Chi class. Tai Chi is a Chinese art, and it teaches balance and movement. Tai Chi will surprise you with what you will discover about yourself.

These ten tips address the entire realm of what a hunter is and offer insight into how to improve yourself so that you fit into the role of a top predator. Whether you shoot bullets or arrows, the best of us got there by practicing and improving. Skill wins over luck, and building skills require work. Master these and you’re well on your way to your Dream Hunt.  Happy hunting.

Gunsmith’s Guide: 5 Tips for Choosing the Best Hunting Rifle


When it comes to a successful hunting trip, there’s nothing more important than choosing the best hunting rifle. Whether you’re heading out for the first time or the fiftieth, it’s all about choosing a rifle that fits your hunting style and the game that you’re pursuing. We build and repair a lot of awesome hunting rifles here at the Colorado School of Trades. Here’s a quick primer of what we consider when we’re looking for a hunting rifle.

1.    Do the right research

Buying a hunting rifle means doing research and reading hunting rifle reviews before you head out to shop. Decide which models you’d like to look at, then read up on them. Consult manufacturer websites and online forums. Use other information sources as well. Talk to knowledgeable friends or ask a gunsmith you trust if he has any opinions about a particular rifle. Trust me, he will!

2.    Choose the right hunting rifle cartridge

The rifle cartridge, which many people simply call the bullet, is central to any hunting trip. It’s also central to any hunting rifle. Remember that every gun is designed to shoot only certain cartridges. You’ll need to think ahead if you’re going to be hunting very large game, as you may need a rifle you won’t find in a basic hunting collection.

If you’re new to hunting or are looking for a basic hunting setup, consider a gun that’s designed to shoot a .30-06 Springfield, .308 Winchester or .270 Winchester. For small game and varmints, many hunters go with a basic .22 or .223 Remington. Choose a cartridge that has enough power to take down your game with a single shot.

3.    Determine an action plan

The rifle action is responsible for kicking out fired cartridges and loading new cartridges into a rifle’s chamber. When it comes to actions, hunting rifles are designed to fire either single shots or repeat shots. Choosing the right type of action is largely a matter of preference. Some hunters like single-shot rifles, which increase the pressure to make an accurate shot the first time. Others prefer repeating rifles, which decrease pressure and are an ideal choice for newer hunters.

Single-shot choices include rolling-block, break-open, trapdoor and falling-block action rifles. Repeating choices include pump-action, bolt-action, lever-action and automatic rifles. You’ll only be able to determine which is best for you by spending some hands-on time with different rifles.

4.    Evaluate materials

You’ll find hunting rifles at a variety of price points, which is good news. However, it’s essential to know what sets the good-but-affordable rifles apart from the just-plain-cheap rifles. You can avoid a bad investment by choosing the right barrel and stock materials.

Most hunting rifles feature either stainless steel or carbon steel for the barrel and other metal components. Carbon steel is cheaper, but it’s more prone to rust than stainless steel. If you keep up on regular rifle maintenance, this shouldn’t be a deal breaker. In terms of the stock, you’ll likely be able to choose from wood or fiberglass. Both are good choices so long as they’re well maintained. When it comes to wood, it’s also important that you choose a good species. Stocks made from materials such as walnut may be more expensive than other wood choices, but they’re also more durable.

5.    Budget for rifle optics

Many a hunter has fallen into the trap of buying a great rifle and then having no money left for a rifle scope. Think ahead and budget for your optics so that you’re not stuck with a rifle you can’t use. In terms of budgeting, you can plan to spend between 50 and 100 percent of what you spent on your rifle on a scope. If you already have a suitable scope, remember to mount it, site it and get comfortable with it before you head out to hunt.

Working with a trained gunsmith is the best way to find the hunting rifle that fits your every need. The skilled gunsmiths at the Colorado School of Trades can help provide you the education you need to become a gunsmith who is capable of building the perfect hunting rig, too.

Guest Article: CST Gunsmith Graduate and Instructor Revisits Colorado School of Trades

D’Arcy Echols is a professional gunsmith and studied gunsmithing and graduated from the Colorado School of Trades. He built rifles by day in his own gun shop and was an instructor teaching the stockmaking course by night for CST. Echols gave the CST students a presentation of his involvement in gunsmithing over the past 30 years and evolving the role of the custom rifle maker.


D'Arcy Echols Gunsmith Presentation at Colorado School of Trades Click to Enlarge

Just before the Memorial Day Weekend I spent a day at the Colorado School of Trades giving three one and half hour presentations to the student body. I am a graduate of the School of Trades and was also an instructor for three years while I lived in Denver. I built rifles in my shop during the day and taught in the Stocking Making Dept. at night. I do remember having to monitor approximately 60 stocks being made at any given time as a real challenge. It was also a great learning experience for me to keep all those balls in the air. I don’t remember having to sleep at that age.
The core of my presentation was geared towards my involvement in the trade for the past three decades and the evolving role of the Custom Rifle Maker today. I also addressed the past, current and future outlook for someone wanting to enter this profession from my point of view. My intentions were to ladle out the some honest realities for those in attendance.

The Power Point Presentation contained 115 images that visually walked through many of the procedures used to build both my Legend and Classic Rifles. I discussed a variety of themes in regard to form, function, accuracy and marketing. I touched on the importance engineering, design, jigs, fixtures and techniques required for this line of work and how the majority of this tooling would need to be made as it would never be found in a Brownells or Midway catalog. While brief at best, the subject matter did give the audience a glimmer of what to expect in this profession. I can assure you it was not all peaches and cream. I hope it clued up and gave insight to some of those in attendance that may want to travel this same road. In the words of Angus & Brian Young “It’s a long way to the top if you want to Rock & Roll”.

During a break for lunch I walked onto the floor and as usual made a nuisance of myself. One thing was apparent and that was the administration had elected to step up and invest in some very nice equipment for the students. I was impressed with the machine improvements, noting the addition of CNC machining centers and a CAD design area set aside for the students to design a part in Solidworks, program the part and then make that part. The welding section has wisely gone to teaching the use of TIG, a paint booth was in place for painting fiberglass stocks and they hope to install an oven for baking Cerakote soon.

CST Photo 2

Walking among the benches it was apparent that little had changed in regard to the “hands on”part of the education. A lot of ground was being covered, as elbows and hands shaped, bent, beat, blended and transformed blocks of steel, wood and various synthetics into the finished projects. I didn’t see anything at that time that looked as if it needed life support which is a testament to the instructors.

Gunsmithing Presentation
I do feel that these trade schools should be much longer in duration akin to those in the Europe but the educational systems and funding are radically different in each case. Apparently most graduates will be hired by companies such as Gander Mountain, Bass Pro, etc, others will become employed by smaller sporting goods stores or independent gun shops while a few others are considering traveling as contract armorer’s for the military. I wonder if I could get a gig checkering M-24’s ?

Gunsmithing Workshop

I have stopped and visited CST every so often to make sure it was still there, looked, smelled and sounded the same. It does and I still feel a connection to this institution.  For me it was the key to the door that has carried me a long way. My hat is off the administration, instructors and students and I thank them for their recent hospitality and interest.

Gunsmith School Presentation

10 Benefits of a Career in Gunsmithing

10 Benefits of a Career in Gunsmithing

Have you ever thought about becoming a gunsmith? Gunsmithing careers give you exciting opportunities to work with firearms in different ways. In the course of your work, you may find yourself creating, repairing, customizing and designing a variety of guns. Careers in gunsmithing can prove rewarding and fascinating. The following are 10 benefits that a gunsmith career can give you.

1) If you have an interest in firearms, a gunsmith career will provide you with meaningful work that you enjoy. Instead of treating guns as a hobby, you can get the satisfaction of earning your living from them.

2) Careers in gunsmithing don’t require expensive, lengthy university studies. You can get started as a gunsmith with a high school diploma and acquire the necessary skills through courses offered by a high-quality trade school.

3) You’ll develop important skills throughout your gunsmith career, including drawing, math and the use of various tools. Depending on where you work, you can also gain experience in customer service and in running your own business. Should you ever wish to change career paths, your skills as a gunsmith could prove useful in other lines of work.

4) Gunsmithing careers offer a variety of possibilities for where you can work. Maybe you’ll be employed by a gun shop or sporting goods store. Maybe you’ll get hired at a factory or work with the military and police. Establishing your own business is another option. You can choose the kind of work environment that suits you best.

5) Careers in gunsmithing give you the opportunity to become a well-paid expert. For example, you can specialize in producing certain kinds of firearms or develop expertise in restoring guns from a specific historic period. As you cultivate your reputation over time, you’ll be able to demand higher prices.

6) Self-expression can play an important part in a gunsmith career. Beyond giving you a choice of work environment and specialization, your career presents opportunities for expressing your personal vision about firearms. If you have artistic talents, part of your work may involve adding engraved designs and other decorative touches to your guns.

7) You’ll appreciate the mental challenge offered by careers in gunsmithing. Gunsmithing careers call for alertness, mental flexibility and ingenuity. You’ll need to solve problems and anticipate difficulties for your customers.

8) Individuals working in gunsmithing careers are called on to improve their customers’ safety. When you work with high standards, you help protect people from the risks of shoddy, poorly maintained firearms. You’ll enjoy a sense of satisfaction knowing that when you produce, inspect or repair a gun, you’re playing a role in reducing the chance of a customer suffering an accident.

9) Careers in gunsmithing offer you the chance to share your knowledge and enthusiasm about guns. Whether you’re selling a gun or explaining its history or safe usage, you’ll get to connect with people and share your passion.

10) If you embark on a gunsmith career, you’ll likely enjoy job security. Given the popularity of firearms and people’s practical need for high-quality guns, your skills will be useful throughout the country.

For further information about gunsmithing careers, be sure to visit the website for the Colorado School of Trades. With its reputable and thorough training program, the school can prepare you well for a rewarding career as a gunsmith.

How To Care For A Firearm

Proper care of a pistol or rifle is the key to keeping it in good condition. Although most firearm owners are comfortable cleaning their own rifles or pistols, some take their firearms to a gunsmith or gunsmithing enthusiast for extensive cleaning. Aspiring gunsmiths should know how to clean a firearm. This is one of the first lessons taught in gunsmithing school.

Safety First

One of the most important rules of safety for gunsmithing is to always treat the firearm as if it is loaded. Point it down and away when cleaning or inspecting it.

While a gun owner or a gunsmith may become lax as they develop cleaning routines, it is important to remember eye protection when using solvents or chemicals. This is covered in gunsmithing school. Make sure the safety is on and the firearm is unloaded before inspecting or cleaning it.

How To Clean A Pistol

When the chamber is empty, partially disassemble the pistol according to the owner’s manual. Use a bore brush attached to a cleaning rod to scrub out the inside of the barrel. Add some solvent to the brush and scrub out the barrel a few more times. This is one of the most important parts to clean.

After doing cleaning the barrel, replace the bore brush with a patch holder. Run it in and out of the barrel a few times. Repeat the process with new patch holders until they come out mostly clean. Use a light to look inside the barrel. If there is additional fouling, clean it again. Always make sure the firearm is clean before storing it. For revolvers, clean the barrel and each of the chambers.

After the pistol is fired, the residue from the ammo can build up inside of it and cause corrosion. It is a good idea to clean a firearm regularly if it is used often, and a handgun that is fired occasionally and then stored should be cleaned immediately before storage. Follow each cleaning with proper lubrication. The areas and amounts of lubrication to use depend on whether the handgun is a revolver, single action or double action.

How To Clean A Rifle

One of the most common duties of gunsmithing is cleaning a rifle. It is similar to cleaning a handgun. However, not all rifles are the same.

Gunsmithing enthusiasts should use cleaning patches, a cleaning rod, solvent, rust protector and any necessary disassembling tools. Hoppe’s No. 9 bore cleaning solvent is a good choice for any gunsmith.

Be sure to clean the gun according to the owner’s manual. Most rifles open with a latch on the back of the upper side. Remove the bolt, bolt carrier and gas tube. Use the cleaning rod and bore brush with solvent to clean the barrel from the back. Put the rod all of the way down, pull it back up and avoid using a fast back-and-forth scrubbing motion. Do this a few times. Do not enter it from the front.

Follow this step by wiping the barrel with cleaning patches. Some rifles such as those made by Mosin Nagant have special cleaning instructions, which are covered in gunsmithing school. Lubricate the rifle when finished.

Firearm Storage

Firearms should always be kept in a locked place when they are not in use. This is important for any responsible gunsmith. Safe, lock box and other storage options are covered in gunsmithing school. A gunsmith must always keep a firearm safe while it is in his or her care.

Founded in 1947, the Colorado School of Trades (CST) has been a gunsmithing training destination since its inception. Our gunsmithing school enjoys a worldwide reputation built on a nearly 70-year history and a long list of successful graduates recognized by top Gunsmith employers everywhere. Find out more about a career in gunsmithing by calling 303-233-4697, Ext. 45.

How to Find a Gunsmith School

Gunsmithing is a century’s old art that you can practice either as a career or a hobby. Regardless if you want to set up a gunsmithing business or fix firearms as a side job, you’ll need to attend an accredited gunsmith school and complete an approved course of training. Gunsmithing schools offer students the opportunity to learn this craft through a combination of technical instruction and hands-on learning. If you’re interested in studying to become a gunsmith, the first step is to find a qualified school.

Most gunsmithing programs accept applications from students of all ages, but it’s likely that you won’t be able to begin studies until you’re at least 21. If you’re considering becoming a gunsmith, it’s a good idea to apply to your desired school early. Programs in this art are in high demand, and courses at many colleges and trade schools fill quickly. You should also check on state and national licensing requirements for gunsmiths so that you understand what you’ll need to do to secure your license.

Locating a Gunsmith School

When it comes to locating gunsmithing schools, it never hurts to start in your own backyard. Community college, trade schools and private schools can all offer gunsmithing programs. Choosing the right type of school is largely a matter of preference and financial aid planning. While the three types of schools that offer gunsmithing programs are very different, the programs themselves offer similar coursework.

Finding a gunsmithing school in your local area is as simple as getting on the Internet and conducting a search for programs in your county or state. If you have a specific post-training career in mind, talk to employers in that part of the firearms industry and find out what schools and programs they prefer. You can also check school websites for program details.

Checking School Accreditation and Reputation

As you search for a gunsmith school, remember that accreditation is key. You should always ask school staff about the associations through which they are accredited and if the school accreditation is in good status. For example, the Colorado School of Trades is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC) and the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools (DPOS).

In addition to holding accreditation, the school you attend should also have a great reputation. Ask current and former students at your target schools whether or not they’d recommend that gunsmithing program. Talk to potential employers about schools that consistently graduate excellent gunsmiths. Keep in mind that the Colorado School of Trades gunsmithing school is widely considered one of the top five gunsmithing programs in the U.S.

Should I Go to Gunsmithing School In Person or Online?

There’s no doubt that gunsmithing is a highly technical trade that requires hands-on practice. Recently, online gunsmithing programs have popped up at several colleges. While such programs may offer convenience for students who can’t travel to classes, aspiring gunsmiths should reconsider this type of training. After all, online training doesn’t offer the opportunity to work hands-on with experienced gunsmiths and instructors. This can lead to serious gaps in abilities and knowledge.

In contrast, a traditional gunsmith school provides in-depth, practical training that prepares students for real-world work in the field of gunsmithing. Students who study at the Colorado School of Trades benefit from working with instructors who are passionate about firearms and are eager to share their knowledge. Get in touch with an admissions counselor at CST today to learn more about our exciting, highly respected gunsmithing program.

Founded in 1947, the Colorado School of Trades (CST) has been a gunsmithing training destination since its inception. Our gunsmithing school enjoys a worldwide reputation built on a nearly 70-year history and a long list of successful graduates recognized by top Gunsmith employers everywhere. Find out more about a career in gunsmithing by visiting our website.

Gunsmithing: A Guide to the Job Duties of a Gunsmith

Gunsmithing is an exciting trade that can easily turn into a lucrative career. Gunsmiths are highly sought by firearms manufacturers and collectors for their vast knowledge of gun design and mechanics. They also possess refined skills in the art of designing, building and repairing firearms of all types, including pistols, hunting rifles, military rifles, shotguns and others. Before applying to a college or trade school to learn gunsmithing, it is important to consider all of their duties and what is expected of them.

Gunsmithing Overview

Gunsmiths are skilled tradespeople who design, build, modify, renovate and repair firearms of all sorts. They may also engage in creative work, such as metal engraving and woodcarving. The duties of gunsmiths vary by specialization and employer. The primary employers are firearms manufacturers, military and law-enforcement agencies, gun shops and sporting goods stores.

Because the general duties of gunsmiths are so broad, they must possess or acquire a wide range of skills, including all of the following:

• Metalworking
• Woodworking
• Parts fabrication
• Mathematics
• Chemistry

Gunsmiths must be proficient in using several types of tools in order to perform their duties adequately. In addition to using hand tools, most gunsmiths must use power tools and machinist tools. Finally, gunsmiths have to stay abreast of all local and federal laws pertaining to firearms. These laws may change frequently, and they may be very complex or difficult to understand.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Gunsmith

The overriding responsibility of a gunsmith is to ensure that the firearms he or she is working on operate safely and according to specifications. No matter what specific process they are engaged in at the moment, gunsmiths must observe safe gun-handling procedures and ensure that customers, assistants and coworkers do the same. All of the mechanisms of the guns must be inspected for safety, and any deficiencies must be fixed before the job can commence or continue. Following are just a few of the reasons why guns may be unsafe even when handled properly:

• Assembled incorrectly
• Parts missing
• Cracks and other damage
• Obstructions
• Improperly aligned
• Timing problems
• Excessive wear and tear
• Firing pin deformities

Common Tasks Performed by Gunsmiths

Following are some of the most common tasks that gunsmiths may be called on to perform:

• Assemble and dissemble firearms
• Inspect, clean and lubricate firearms
• Remove corrosion from metal gun parts
• Repair damaged guns
• Add custom or aftermarket parts, such as swivels, recoil pads, sights, scopes, grips and stocks.
• Repair or refinish wooden handles, grips and stocks
• Touch up engravings and other markings
• Fit barrels
• Remove dents
• Correct headspace of guns and cartridges
• Replace barrels and firing mechanisms
• Modify pull weight and other trigger mechanisms

Gunsmith Specializations

Many gunsmiths are generalists and deal with duties as they are presented, but others focus on one of several specializations, which may call for specific tasks to be completed. A few of the most common specializations are as follows:

• Custom manufacturer – A custom manufacturer designs and builds unique firearms according to a customer’s specifications or desires. In order to complete jobs, custom gunsmiths may use stock parts or raw materials, which requires advanced machining skills.
• Finisher – Once a firearm has been manufactured and assembled, it requires some degree of finishing. Finishing jobs may including Parkerizing, bluing, browning and case hardening.
• Stockmaker – Stockmakers specialize in carving rifle stocks, shotgun stocks and pistol grips from one of several species of wood, including walnut, maple and birch. In order to be successful in this specialization, stockmakers must be proficient in using saws, files, chisels and other woodworking tools.
• Engraver – Many pistols and rifles are exquisitely engraved with patterns or pictures. This work requires a steady hand and the ability to use pneumatic engraving systems or hand engravers.

The History of Gunsmithing

Gunsmithing is a trade with a truly distinguished past. The first firearms date back to the 1200s; they were invented in China. This technology eventually made its way to Europe, and Italian craftsmen assembled that continent’s first gun barrels. Now, during the Middle Ages, a professional needed to belong to a guild, which was a group of people with the same occupation. The gunsmithing trade was so new, though, that it didn’t have its own guild for a long time. Therefore, gunsmiths started to join blacksmiths’ guilds.

In medieval times, many national governments maintained large storehouses of weapons, and gunsmiths often labored near those sites. An example would be Italy’s arsenal in the northern city of Brescia. Then, as the general public gradually became aware of the work that gunsmiths were doing, the trade gained recognition as a distinct career. Thus, around the mid-1400s, gunsmith guilds began to form. Among the first of those groups was one that originated in Suhl, Germany, in 1463.

Of course, being a gunsmith in those years demanded tremendous patience and knowledge. Indeed, making guns meant being proficient in several trades, woodworking and metalworking among them. It frequently took as long as 400 hours to produce a single gun, and apprentice gunsmiths toiled for many years before striking out on their own.

When it came to gun production, England lagged behind many other countries well into the 1500s. To rectify that situation, King Henry VIII began to ask leading gunsmiths from across the continent to live and work in London, and many of them eagerly accepted the invitation. Thus, gunsmiths such as Belgium’s Peter Van Collen opened shops near the Tower of London, the site of Britain’s royal stockpile of weapons, and they began to train British citizens in their craft.

Naturally, it wasn’t long before this trade began to blossom in North America. Colonial gunsmiths mostly made rifles; the majority of handguns came from Great Britain. Those American craftsmen developed a unique firearm: the long rifle, which was also known as the Kentucky rifle and the Pennsylvania rifle. It featured an elongated barrel, which made it easier to shoot fast-moving prey from considerable distances. Plus, it was an economical weapon in that it used less blackpowder than traditional rifles. Unsurprisingly, it was a hit throughout the colonies.

Of course, American forces would soon win independence for their nation, and pioneers began to cross the vast continent in search of new places to live and farm. Gunsmiths were often called upon to furnish such brave families with guns and ammunition, and many of those professionals would also make money by repairing a wide range of items ― clocks, for example. Due to the high demand for gun production and repair, the industry flourished throughout the 1800s. Then, when the Confederacy seceded and the Civil War began, the Northern and Southern governments suddenly needed a great many rifles, and manufactures were swamped with orders.

The late 1800s and the 1900s saw a vast array of innovations in gun production. For example, automatic handguns began to appear in the 1890s, and the Browning Automatic Rifle premiered in 1918. Further, the Glock pistol, which was the first successful gun to be partially made of plastic, debuted in 1982. However, even as firearm manufacturing moved from small shops to large factories, gun enthusiasts still sought handmade and personalized weapons. For that reason, many gunsmiths who owned their own businesses ― people like Emil Koshollek and Alvin Linden ― prospered. In fact, such individuals continue to thrive, and many of them rely on respected institutions like the Colorado School of Trades for the latest gunsmith-related news and information.

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